Friday, October 28, 2011

Can Millions of years fit into Genesis Part 1.3 Rule 4

Rule 4: The Genesis Flood

Evolution says two things, either the global flood that we read in genesis is a myth, or is a local flood. When you believe evolution fits into the Bible, sometimes with out knowing it, you are believing that the global flood was a myth, or local. This cannot work, because of the rainbow promise God gave. He promised never to flood the earth like this again. If it was local, He would have broken his promise countless times. Another problem are fossils. you can't have an old earth and a worldwide flood because of this issue. Evolution says that fossils are millions and billions of years old, and that different fossils have different time periods. a worldwide flood indicates that all fossils were buried at the same time. Another major point is the force of gravity. If I had a cup of water, and I poured all the water on a table, would the water stay in the shape of the cup? Of course not! The Bible says that water covered the highest point by 20 feet. Gravity causes water to spread, so the flood couldn't have been local. I don't want to get too much into the flood, because that will be for another post. This is more evidence as to why evolution can't fit with the Bible. Have a good day!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Can Millions of years fit into Genesis 1 Part 1.2: Rule 1-3

What the Bible does NOT teach:
If we read the Bible straightforward, and took it as it is, we would not find anything about millions of years or evolution. The Bible does not teach that God used long periods of time.

Order of events:
Evolution says that the stars and sun were first, reptiles came before birds, and that the earth started as a fiery mass. The Bible says that earth came before stars, birds came before reptiles, and that the earth started as a ball of water.

The cause of physical death:
Evolution says that death is a natural part of life, but the Bible says that death was the result of Adam's sin. If one chooses to believe that death was natural, and was there before Adam's fall, then that means God called death 'good'. How could God call billions of years of death and decay good? And if that's 'good', then how 'good' is heaven?

Friday, October 14, 2011

Can Millions of years fit into Genesis 1 Part 1.1: 7 Basic Rules

Many people believe in the day-age theory, which states that the word 'day' in Genesis 1 mean millions (or billions) of years. People believe this because carbon dating has shown that dinosaur bones are millions of years old, and that the earth is millions of years old (I will talk about carbon dating some other time). There is a danger in doing that, and many reasons as to why this can't work. The danger is that you are becoming in charge of the Bible, which is taking away God's authority. Another danger is that when you tell others that you believe that, you are making Christians inconsistent because you are bringing man's word into God's word. This makes the gospel unbelievable, because the rest of the Christian faith is. Nowadays, some secular scientists and astronomers are ditching the idea of evolution. What happens when a new theory is developed? We will be seen as inconsistent.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Can the Big Bang be true?

The Big bang may seem scientific, but really, there are inconsistencies within the theory. let me share just four of them.
1st inconsistency: Monopoles

Magnets have north and south poles. When the Big bang occurred, there were monopoles, which are particles that only have one pole. Monopoles should be there because of the high temperature when the earth was first created (in the big bang) but scientists cannot find any monopoles in this universe.

2nd inconsistency: The flatness problem
The universe’s expansion rate is finely balanced with gravity. It is not possible for a random explosion to keep a finely balanced expansion rate. Big bang can’t explain why matter density isn’t greater, causing the universe to collapse on itself, or less, causing it to rapidly fly apart. The Biblical view makes sense, because the Lord has created the universe to support life.

3rd inconsistency: Inflation
Secular astronomers came up with the inflation idea to support the monopole and flatness problems. Inflation states that there was a time when the universe went through accelerated expansion. There is no evidence supporting inflation what so ever.

4th inconsistency: Antimatter
The big bang says that matter was created from energy. Physics tells us that whenever that happens, antimatter is produced. Antimatter is the same as matter except with opposite charges. The big bang should have created equal amounts of antimatter as matter, but the entire universe is composed of almost all mater, with traces of antimatter. When matter and antimatter come together, they destroy each other. If there were equal amounts, life would not be possible. God created the universe to be essentially matter only.