Friday, October 14, 2011

Can Millions of years fit into Genesis 1 Part 1.1: 7 Basic Rules

Many people believe in the day-age theory, which states that the word 'day' in Genesis 1 mean millions (or billions) of years. People believe this because carbon dating has shown that dinosaur bones are millions of years old, and that the earth is millions of years old (I will talk about carbon dating some other time). There is a danger in doing that, and many reasons as to why this can't work. The danger is that you are becoming in charge of the Bible, which is taking away God's authority. Another danger is that when you tell others that you believe that, you are making Christians inconsistent because you are bringing man's word into God's word. This makes the gospel unbelievable, because the rest of the Christian faith is. Nowadays, some secular scientists and astronomers are ditching the idea of evolution. What happens when a new theory is developed? We will be seen as inconsistent.

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